3 min readDec 7, 2020


by Ivan Gopienko

…”Don’t forget the Keys” was the last words of Tumir’ teacher before the execution. Probably that was the words in Tumir’s own head as he headed for the speech on the Blue Square. Probably, there was also a sadistic smirk on his face, as everything indicates that he was far beyond being just another ruthless leader of his time — an unparalleled five percent amount of civil executions. We could not find a lot of information on him, as the only reliable written source of the period is his Blue Declaration,

“Our fathers have engaged in the war of Independence Path 20 years ago. As you all know they lost it.

As a result Ugenians had taken great contribution — the Great Northern Territories of our Lands. We showed patience.

15 years ago they demanded contribution of 5000 sheep or they would invade. We had given them what they demanded. We showed patience.

10 years ago they demanded contribution of 100 boxes of gold or they would invade. We had given them what they demanded. We become patience.

5 years ago they demanded contribution of 1000 of our women or they would invade. We had given them to what they demanded. We were patience itself.

Yesterday they demanded contribution of 1000 hectares of our lands or they would invade.

Our Land is the lifeblood of our people. We were patient but this we can not and will not tolerate. Now we invade.

We would either succeed our fathers task or perish! The weight of the history is on our shoulders now.

We declare full urgent mobilization of everyone and anyone capable of fighting. We assault U’Jen tommorow.

And let the Great Forces Aid us.”

U’Jen was a great city of the time, located in a gorge of Altai mountains, from both sides of the gorge there were two ravines through the mountains, one opposite the other named “Right Key” and “Left Key”, which you would call FOB now. No one have ever conquered this place, because siege of U’Jen or one of the Keys meant that you have your army’s flank and rear exposed. This fact quickly put an end to any attempts of any Tumir’s predecessor to fight in the valley. Now his own preparations to repel that mistake were over.

Prior to the first invasion hours, during the event known as Night of the Black Widows, both Keys’ garrisons were severely poisoned. As a result 17 thousand men were either dead or unable to fight in the crucial days of the invasion, and the Keys were conquered virtually without any fight. Turned out that the “gifted” 1000 women acted on their leader’s orders and 5 years was more than enough to get trust and access of the soldiers’ kitchens and poison them in the right moment.

The strike was so quick and cunning, that the U’Jen country ceased to exist in two days. The great city was demolished and pillaged, anyone showing any sign of resistance was killed on sight, and the leftovers of the population were sold into slavery to China.

Even now in Slavic languages you find the word “uje” coming from Turk- Mongolian times of yolk. This word in its first meaning constituted the unexpectedness of something, an event happened and not returning or going to happen again.

Tumir had never forget the Keys.

